What is general dentistry? Well, to start with a visit to a general dentist is the first step to a vibrant, healthy smile! After all, isn't that what all of us want? Going to a Cedar Park cosmetic dentistry office is one of those necessary evils that we have to do every once in a while.

General dentistry basically is the concern for the continued health and maintenance of a person's gums and teeth. It includes a variety of procedures like tooth cleaning, tooth repair, and prevention of tooth disease.
A qualified general dentist will make sure that you do your part to help maintain your teeth and gums in a healthy condition. He or she will encourage you to have that beautiful smile for year after year.
The general dentist will have a goal that you will want to achieve. This dental goal will be from your first visit onwards. What is this goal that you will progress towards? It is to achieve a complete set of healthy teeth. That is what a general dentist is trained to do. He is there to help you achieve your goal.
He does this by first of all removing all dental disease from your mouth. He then moves on to a series of visits by you to his office so that he can repair any broken or worn out teeth. After all of this has been done he will give your teeth a thorough cleaning and polishing. This will be where you pay him back by providing him with a big, beautiful smile.
The dentist will insist at this point that you return every 6 months for a check-up. He will show you how to floss and brush your teeth in the proper manner. It is always surprising for a dentist to see that even adults do not have a good understanding on these simple procedures. Once you leave the dental office with your healthy teeth and perfect smile, you can then enjoy all of the many pleasures that a good set of healthy teeth provides.
What are those pleasures? Eating, you will be able to properly chew any food that you desire. You will never need to worry about biting into a crunchy apple. No longer will the dread of chewing on a steak be of concern. Your strong and healthy set of teeth will be up to any challenge. They will provide you with the freedom to enjoy a favorite pleasure of all of us, to eat our favorite foods.
The bottom line is that dentists are your friends. They are concerned about your teeth because they know that an unhealthy set of teeth can cause other health issues. Therefore, always go for your 6 month check-up and do your best to take care of your teeth.
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